Dear Contributors!
Submitted papers should be focused on one of the key topics of the Conference.
The abstracts and final papers, as well, should contain the following information:
- the title
- the author’s personal data, such as full name, country, name of the organization and its web-site, email, landline phone and cell phone
The abstracts – 500 words minimum and 1000 words maximum – must closely reflect the various points to be developed in the paper.
The recommended maximum length for final papers is 9 pages (title and figures included). Annotation example can be
downloadedThe final papers will be selected and included in the conference program upon the review of the abstracts.
The authors will be duly informed about their papers acceptance.
Dates and Deadlines:
12.04.2021 Abstracts submission deadline
05.05.2021 Authors’ notification of abstracts acceptance
05.07.2021 Full papers submission deadline
26.07.2021 Authors’ notification of full papers acceptance and if required, papers revision
09.08.2021 Revised full papers submission deadline